A Real Solution

our approach

At Water4, we believe that a real safe water solution has to show real results in the form of opportunity for people, reliability leading to consistent positive change, and the application of faith.

Kids gathered around water tap

Opportunity For People

Those living in poverty are often mistaken for victims, a label they’d never wear themselves. Real solutions value people, see potential, and offer opportunities to participate in their own solutions and flourish. Our safe water model empowers with a “hand up” rather than stopping short with “handouts”.

Opportunity To Accelerate Potential:

Opportunity To Achieve Prosperity:

Happy woman counting money

Reliability = Consistent Change

Injections of charity can’t make the difference that businesses do. Real change in communities is only possible with generative solutions that are reliably available and deeply invested in their customers' well-being.

Venture Builder
A Durable System
A woman and man talking about the NUMA system

Application of Faith

At Water4, we believe that true impact is achieved when faith is genuinely applied to our work — which is inspired and empowered by the Living Water. We seek the flourishing of all people made in God’s image and to see this manifestation of His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. In this way, our approach invites believers to work out their faith by fulfilling the Great Commandments and the Great Commission.

The Great Commandments
The Great Commission
African School Children

You Can Generate Good

Your gift scales safe water solutions that last.
Mother and child with clean water