Girl with glass of water.

Generate Good

We build and scale durable market-based water businesses that create more: safe water access, economic opportunity, virtue, and purpose across Africa.

We generate good and invite you to do the same.

Our Approach

Water Is Life

Reliable safe water is a fundamental component of any economic system and a foundation for human flourishing. Without it, millions across Africa bear the heavy cost of disease, the walk for water, and a perpetuation of poverty. Charity and governments combined can only provide 25% of the resources needed to solve this crisis. At Water4, we’re proving business can bridge the gap - leveraging charity to scale durable water businesses that serve as a real solution.

A Real solution

Water4’s NUMA businesses create safe water systems that connect entire regions with reliable, convenient piped water, removing the burden of hauling unclean water for communities while promoting economic flourishing.

Watch this video to see a real solution at work.

Our Approach

Impact that Generates Good

Our model generates good because our customers value the NUMA product they receive and pay for because it solves their problems! With this revenue we employ 1,100 local employees who continuously maintain our systems and help ensure our hundreds of thousands of customers have purified safe water daily, leading to improved health, economic growth, and a brighter future.

Our Impact
Two guys that worked on installing the infrastructure for the water systems.
All-time people impacted by safe water
People educated in WASH & the Gospel
All-time water projects

Our Global Partners

Water4 is grateful for the long-term support and engagement of our global partners who help us strategize, learn, and iterate our way to impact.

You Can Generate Good

Your gift scales safe water solutions that last.
Mother and child with clean water